5th Grade Quiz: Atmosphere

We will be having a quiz on our Atmosphere unit on Thursday, May 11. This quiz will be open note and will include information about the purpose of our atmosphere, layers of the atmosphere and heat and energy transfer through the atmosphere. Students were given a review on Tuesday, May 9.

4th Grade Fashion a Fish Project

4th grade will be starting our fashion a fish projects soon! This project will be due on Friday, May 12. Please plan accordingly. Students will be given time in class to work on their research and the write up for their selected adaptations. They are responsible for completing the fish representation at home. Below you will find the rubric for how this project will be graded. Students may complete their fish in any way that they like (drawing, poster, collage, model, etc.)

3 points 2 points 1 point
Project The student created a representation of their fish (drawing, collage picture, poster, model). Full effort is seen in the creation Student made a project to show the fish although some of the adaptations are not clear. Some details is seen in the project. Creation seems rushed and little detail is seen. The adaptations are not visible in the project.
Write Up Student included a clear description of why ALL of the fish adaptations were selected. Student describes where the fish lives and how that impacted the choice for the adaptations. The write-up includes some details although questions are still left with the reader. Not all adaptations are described, habitat is not as clearly described as it could be. Write-up does not include reasoning for why the different adaptations are evident on the fish. Description of where the fish lives is not clear.
Presentation Project was explained well and all adaptations were shown and described. Student spoke in a loud, clear voice so audience could hear. The project was shown and the adaptations were talked about with little detail. Presentation was difficult to hear. Presentation was not planned out. Parts were missing and the student spoke in a voice that was not loud enough to hear.

3rd Grade Favorite Planet Project!

We are flying through space on our mission to explore the planets in our solar system! We will be completing a project on our favorite planet. The research will be completed in class and students will also have time to work on their projects. Projects may be any representation of the planet that the student decides. This is a chance to be creative and have fun. Below is the rubric for how the project will be graded. (This is due during the week of Math PSSA tests and should not be a stressful project! Students may choose to draw a picture, print photos, or make a creation of their choosing) Due date for this project is April 27.

Project Rubric

3 Points 2 Points 1 Point
Research Student fully researched their chosen planet. All research questions are answered. Student completed most research questions. They were sometimes distracted in class. Student had difficulty completing the research and was often distracted during class time.
Planet project Student completed a representation and turned it in on time. Representation showed full effort. Student completed a representation on time although the project seemed to be rushed and did not show full effort. Student did not turn in project on time and the project did not show much effort.
Presentation Student spoke in a loud, clear voice for their presentation. He/she shared the research as well as the representation. Student spoke in a voice that was difficult to hear. He/she shared the research as well as the representation. Student was not prepared for the presentation. Too hard to hear and follow along. Facts were not there to share with the class. 

**My apologies for this post not showing up sooner. It appears that when I finished writing it, it was not published to the website.

Excited to be back!!

I am so excited to be back to my classroom and spend the remainder of the year with all of my wonderful students! I have missed everyone at Green Woods greatly. We will work to make the transition back as easy as possible. Please continue to refer to this website for information about science and upcoming projects/assessments/ and more for each grade!

End of Trimester 1

Can you believe how quickly this year is going?? How is the first trimester over already? Report cards will be coming home shortly and parent conferences are right around the corner. If you feel that you would like a conference with me for science please be sure to email me so I can set up a time that works.

5th Grade Quiz

5th graders will have a geology quiz on Monday, November 28. This quiz will be open note. Students have had many opportunities to copy notes, work together, complete explorations, and review vocabulary. They should be well prepared for this assessment.

3rd Grade quiz!

Third grade will be having a quiz on our forest unit on Wednesday 11/16. Students will be bringing home a study guide to review from!

4th Grade STEM challenge


3rd Grade Soil Sampling


5th grade quiz

5th grade classes will have an open note quiz on Friday, October 28. The quiz will be on Geologic Time with a focus on the time period presentations given by classmates. Students will be able to use their science notebooks and the packet of handouts from the presentations.